About the Founder
The creator of Self Makers, Conor Lynch, launched his first personal brand website in 1999. Yes, a personal brand website 22 years ago! Conor is the original self-styled ‘self maker’ who has built a successful and rewarding career, combining jobs, side-hustles and business start-ups.
From the outset of his career, he has recognised how radically the world of work is always changing. With this in mind, Conor has set up many side-hustles at home in the last two decades. Before travelling to Australia, he hired a friend to put together a simple personal brand website to show off his skills in online marketing. It worked and he quickly got a great job in Sydney with a four year employment visa.
While in Australia, Conor launched an edgier brand called Conman. This was a t-shirt brand which had some notable successes before being replaced by a safer brand, Connector, in 2008. Connector started off as a blog and events organisation for the digital community. It then grew to become a successful marketing agency achieving seven figure annual revenues. Both of these brands had the name ‘Conor’ hidden in them, as personal branding is always integral to Conor’s work.
Why Self Makers?
However, as complexities and opportunities in the job market grow, Conor has noticed that most people are not naturally skilled at managing their careers like a business. As a result, many just drift along.
With job security and job satisfaction in decline, more people want to take control of their careers. In the US, almost 50% of the workforce are now freelancers and the rest of the world will likely follow this trend. Of those who have a side hustle in the US, 58% dream of pursuing it full time.
As an experienced educator and problem solver, Conor is committed to helping others accelerate their career journeys. That’s where Self Makers comes in. Conor has curated our personalised profiler tools using his lifetime of knowledge of managing careers and start-ups. With Self Makers, Conor wants to enable others to achieve their goals and embark on a similar journey to his own.
Conor has worked with many people on personal brands in sectors like food (Roz Purcell), sports (Tadhg Furlong), consulting (Gerard Reid). He has also helped set up many collaborations between influencers and talented creators with brands like Huawei, Volkswagen and Sony.
Find out more
Get in touch for a chat about your plans.
Read more about Conor here and connect with Conor on LinkedIn.
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